Online advertising at its core


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Online advertising at its core

Organic and paid advertising opens up doors for potential clients to see your products or services.  Paid advertising allows you to easily spread the word out of your newest product or service to thousands of people at a cost. Organic advertising is a strategy of being able to post your content and provide information with […]

3 Kinds of Social Media Marketing You Shouldn’t Ignore

Social media marketing is about much more than likes and shares. Today’s social media landscape extends well beyond posting a thought or meme and hoping it takes off with your audience. These three kinds of social media marketing should be on your radar if you want to stay current and competitive. Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing […]

Five Tech Trends That Will Change Workplace Collaboration In 2020

With new, disruptive technologies continuing to transform all aspects of the workplace, collaboration and visualisation technology company Barco ClickShare predicts the key trends that will change our meeting room culture this year. In recent years, there has been a dramatic change in the workplace; amongst the workforce, in our workstyle, and in our workspace. And […]

Leveraging Social Media and SEOs to make your company shine

Maintaining an active and engaging online presence is a must for any modern business. With the overwhelming majority of customers heading online to research a product and company before making a purchase, and with the internet being where most of these customers are introduced to products for the very first time, it’s no wonder that […]

Branding Your Business: What It Is, Why You Need It, And When to Start

Branding is a marketing strategy in which an identity is carefully constructed for your company, organization, business, product or service. Simply put, “a brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services as distinct from those of other sellers.” – American Marketing Association This allows you […]